Are you having a dental emergency? If you’re not sure, the first thing to do is call your local dentist’s office in Chandler. At Valley Dental Solutions, we’ll answer your questions and talk you through the problem. It’s better to call when you’re not sure than to wait and risk the problem getting worse.

We all know how to dial 911 in an emergency, but in a dental emergency, call Valley Dental Solutions in Chandler.

If you or a family member are in pain, we’re happy to find the first appointment we have available for you. We’ll also tell you if you need to seek faster treatment at a different location.

We have experienced dentists that can help patients with:

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We have seen almost every dental problem and have resolved them for our neighbors in Chandler. We have specialized equipment to find the issue and provide emergency dentistry safely.

We’re just a quick phone call away! Let us talk to you about the issue you’re having, and we’ll kindly help you through the next steps.


Unfortunately, the need for an emergency dentistry appointment happens when you don’t expect it. You can’t plan for it in your schedule.

But you can do something. Here are a few tips to be prepared:

  • Put our phone number into your phone’s contacts list.
  • Write the number on a sticky note on your fridge.
  • Give our number to your family members.

You can also call us any time and discuss emergency dentistry to be fully prepared. Ask us about the kinds of issues to watch for and what you can do about them.

Common emergency dentistry issues include:

  • Tooth Pain: If you or a family member has unexplained tooth pain, it’s worth calling us to discuss it. A toothache is often a sign that damage or infection has happened.
  • A Damaged Tooth: Damage often includes a chipped, cracked, or broken tooth. These injuries can lead to infection if not treated.
  • A Lost Tooth: When a tooth gets knocked out, we need to act fast. It’s possible to save your natural tooth and prevent further problems.

We don’t restrict the definition of a dental emergency. If you or someone you love is worried or in pain, we’re happy to help.


We try to keep a few appointment slots available for emergencies. Now with three dentists in our Chandler office, it’s possible to quickly serve you when an emergency comes up.

Our dentists are all long-time Arizona residents with many years of combined dental experience. Whatever issue you have, they’ll treat you with care, experience, and current dental training.

During an emergency, we may ask you to take some steps at home before you visit our office. Examples include:

  • Keep lost teeth moist: If a tooth, crown, or filling has been knocked out, you should pick up the pieces and store them in a container of water or milk.
  • Manage pain: If you’re in pain, you can take over-the-counter pain management medication. You may also place a therapeutic ice pack over the area.
  • Stop the bleeding: If you are bleeding, you may need to apply gentle pressure using a clean cloth to stop the bleeding.

However, the first step is always to call Valley Dental Solutions. You don’t need to take care of this alone or take a guess at your home treatments. Instead, call us to get professional advice and care.


We are the high-end dentistry clinic of choice in the Chandler area. That extends to our emergency dentistry. Here are a few things that make our practice special:

  • Top-of-the-Line Care: Our dentists have an extensive knowledge of comprehensive dentistry and regularly attend continuing education studies to be aware of the latest treatments.
  • We Stay Up to Date: We use state-of-the-art technology and equipment to provide patients the best care available.
  • Advanced Technology: Using top-of-the-line dental devices, we diagnose dental issues accurately and prepare for successful treatments.
  • Flexible Scheduling: We are used to our patients being busy and successful. We will respect your time and help you get the dental services you need quickly.
  • Skilled Dentists: Our dentists have a great track record of combining technical dental skills with artistic, cosmetic dentistry to fully restore their patients’ smiles.

We will help you feel comfortable again as soon as possible by providing accurate, high-end emergency dentistry that will give you back your smile and confidence. Call Valley Dental Solutions today if you need urgent dental care.


Excellent service and friendly staff. Very thorough exam and felt comfortable with the dentist approach and answers to my questions.
Antonio A.

I appreciate the staff and doctors at Valley Dental who are always pleasant, professional and accommodating with schedules and concerns. I couldn’t ask for a better experience and am so thankful to have found you because my experience elsewhere was making me think about skipping dental care forever!
DeAnn A


Call us about any dental issues you are having! Below are some common emergency dentistry needs, but we’re happy to talk to you about whatever you’re going through.

Tooth Avulsion (Knocked-Out Teeth)

We see knocked-out teeth often because of sports or car accidents. If you’re lucky, only the tooth is knocked out, but nearby tissues or teeth may also be damaged.

We can treat knocked-out teeth! If you find the whole tooth—or even fragments—bring it to your appointment. We can give you instructions over the phone for keeping it safe. If we can’t save your natural tooth, we do have tooth replacement options available.

Cracked Teeth

An impact can leave a small crack on the surface of a tooth. Some cracks may be larger. The crack might not even be painful, but it can lead to serious issues:

  1. A crack might widen over time and progressively damage the tooth much worse.
  2. The crack can harbor bacteria that become a serious infection.

Broken Or Chipped Teeth

A piece of tooth can break off during an accident or for an unknown reason. The tooth may appear otherwise undamaged, but it’s important to have it examined.

Plus, a chip or break can change the color and appearance of your tooth.

We’re experienced at repairing tooth breaks, chips, and cracks, restoring the tooth to a pristine condition.

Broken Braces

Broken braces present serious problems, which need to be addressed quickly. Issues include:

  • A bracket that has detached from a tooth.
  • A protruding wire at the end of an arch.
  • A broken wire.

Loose brackets and wires can damage the gums and should be repaired quickly to avoid injuries. You can call us for instructions on how to protect yourself or a family member.

Loose Or Missing Fillings

When a filling becomes loose or falls out, it might not be painful and may not seem like an emergency.

However, fillings are placed to protect the vulnerable inner material and pulp in a tooth. If you don’t have them replaced within a few days, an infection could take hold and we’ll have to restore the tooth with a crown.


If your wisdom teeth are in pain, the gum tissue around them may be swollen, possibly from infection. This can prevent normal biting and chewing.

It can also cause symptoms like:

  • Spasms.
  • Bad breath.
  • Facial swelling.
  • Unpleasant tastes.
  • Dangerous infection in the throat.

Please contact us immediately about wisdom tooth pain or swelling so we can clean the area and stop any bacterial overgrowth.

Broken Or Detached Crowns

A dental crown is often made of porcelain, which can be damaged, broken, or chipped, like any of your natural teeth.

Call us if this happens. Over the phone, we can estimate how quickly you need to visit your dentist to repair the crown or reattach it. We’ll provide the service you need to protect your tooth—and your smile—for the long term.


A tooth is made of different parts. Inside of every tooth, there are:

  • Nerves.
  • Tissues,
  • Blood vessels.

All three of these together are referred to as the “pulp” of the tooth. If the pulp becomes inflamed, it can cause mild, moderate, or severe pain. Sometimes the tooth doesn’t hurt at all, but inflamed pulp can still be an emergency.

Some pulpitis is reversible! Our dentist will simply remove the infection and fill or crown the tooth. Otherwise, we may either remove the pulp itself or the entire tooth. But we will always explain what we would like to do, based on what is right for your health, and leave the decision up to you.


A tooth abscess is a painful infection that causes a small area to swell inside or beside a tooth root. Or it can happen between the gums and a tooth.

An abscess is usually a sign that a tooth has decayed or been damaged. It can also be caused by gum disease.

We need to quickly stop the spread of infection to prevent major dental problems.


We’re glad to receive your phone call any time. Please contact us if you have any additional questions about emergency dentistry.

We want to prevent damage and infection, so don’t hesitate to contact us. In the meantime, here are some common questions we often get.

When Is It Best To Seek Emergency Room Care?

Call 911 or go directly to a hospital emergency room if you have suffered:

  • An infection, abscess, or swelling that threatens your breathing or swallowing.
  • Injuries to your mouth or face that need immediate care.
  • Jaw dislocation or fracture.
  • Serious cuts.

If you feel that you’re in danger, seek immediate medical care.

What Is The Best Painkiller For A Severe Toothache?

Many over-the-counter painkillers can help you manage pain until the issue is resolved. Many pharmacies and drug stores also carry toothache ointments or numbing jells that relieve tooth or gum pain temporarily.

Using an ice pack for 10–15 minutes at a time also relieves swelling and pain. Take a 30-minute break between uses.

Can I Sleep With A Toothache?

When you’re waiting for an appointment, sleeping with tooth pain can be difficult. We recommend using these steps:

  • Avoid especially hot, acidic, and cold foods.
  • Gently rinse your mouth with a disinfectant and/or numbing mouthwash.
  • Take an over-the-counter painkiller and/or place a cold pack against the swollen area.
  • Prop your head up on an extra pillow. This draws some of the blood away from the swelling.

Do You Offer Same-Day Appointments?

Because we care about patients in the Chandler area, we strive to keep same-day appointments available whenever possible.

Call us immediately when you suffer dental injury or have an unexplained toothache. If you don’t delay, this will give you the best chance of securing an appointment.

On the phone, we can also give you feedback about your issue and any necessary first steps.

Do You Accept New Patients?

We are happy to see new patients when possible. We care about our Arizona neighbors.

We can start an appointment more quickly with an established patient because it takes a little more time to see a new patient. For new patients, we’ll need to start by collecting your information so we make sure we’re treating you correctly.

How Much Will Treatment Cost?

If you’re in pain, it’s best to call Valley Dental Solution right now and discuss the issue with us. We can then tell you when our first appointment is available and what any potential charges might include.

Every emergency treatment is different because necessary services might include:

  • Filling a tooth.
  • Placing a crown.
  • Extracting a tooth.
  • Replacing a tooth.
  • Cleaning your teeth.
  • Performing a root canal.
  • Treating an abscess or infection.


If you’re thinking of visiting Valley Dental Solutions for emergency dentistry, you’re making an excellent choice. Our three dentists are highly experienced in treating dental emergencies of many varieties. When you’re in pain, the first step is to call us quickly. Our caring team members will tell you what you should do next and find you the first appointment possible. We use state-of-the-art dental equipment to quickly diagnose and treat a wide range of problems, including:

  • Broken, cracked, loose, and missing teeth.
  • Loose crowns and fillings.
  • Unexplained toothaches.
  • Broken braces.
  • Abscesses.
  • And others.

The most important first step is to contact us. Don’t wait or second-guess your intuition. If you’re thinking of calling a dentist, it’s best to just call immediately. You can always change your mind later, but it’s smart to talk it out with us first.

Seek Efficient Emergency Care Now

We want to get you smiling again. Call us now to get our first possible appointment at Valley Dental Solutions.



Detailed Dental Imaging

Digital x-rays are the preferred method of taking x-rays in today’s world. The digital x-rays are:
  • Safer | Digital x-rays use 80% less radiation than traditional x-rays. They are safe for everyone, even those who are pregnant.
  • Immediate | X-rays make for a quick diagnosis that can give you answers and present solutions faster than ever.
  • Precise | We can also zoom in on the image to get a clearer, more precise view of any problem areas.

Professional Dental Cleaning

Harmful bacteria tend to gather in hard-to-reach places on your teeth. A professional cleaning gets deep into all the spaces to help remove plaque. Your teeth will be carefully cleaned as we clear away mineral buildup along the edges of your gums.
We’ll finish off your professional cleaning by polishing your teeth. This leaves the surfaces of your teeth smooth and feeling the ultimate clean!
These cleanings are extremely important. If plaque and tartar are allowed to stay, they can cause serious problems including tooth decay and gum disease.

Examining Your Teeth and Gums

After the hygienist makes your teeth shine, one of our dentists will step in and give your mouth a comprehensive exam.
When we examine your mouth, we don’t just check for cavities. We also look for any early signs of oral cancer or symptoms of gum disease. This process is one of the most effective things we can do to protect your oral health from oral issues.
We can also use the information from your exam to predict future problems you’ll have. This way we can take steps to prevent those issues or prepare to meet them as necessary.


After your appointment, we’ll discuss your overall oral health and what next steps might be best for you.

Our general recommendations for good oral health include:
  • Brushing your teeth twice a day.
  • Flossing at least once a day.
  • Avoiding biting on hard objects like ice cubes or pencil ends.
  • Using a mouthwash with fluoride.
We want you to have a beautiful and healthy smile and that means giving you all the tools you need to be successful including tailored advice for your mouth and health.


General dentistry is all about preventing oral issues that can be painful, debilitating, and expensive to treat. While Valley Dental Solutions can do a lot to help with that, so can you! Setting a daily routine for yourself can make a big difference.

Just like you need to wash your hair regularly, your mouth needs personal hygiene too. You’ll want to make sure you’re keeping it clear of bacteria as much as possible.


Brush twice a day, first thing in the morning and before bed. This gets rid of all the bacteria that develop while you sleep and the food remnants from your meals during the day. Make sure to get all of the surfaces of your teeth, and don’t forget to brush your tongue!


Floss at least once a day at bedtime. This helps you get all the food out of the cracks between your teeth so bacteria doesn’t have any leftovers to snack on while you’re sleeping. Flossing is one of the best things you can do to prevent gum disease.


Rinse with mouthwash. After flossing, food and plaque debris can still be floating around your mouth. Rinsing with mouthwash can wash out those particles and leave your mouth clean and fresh. Many mouthwashes strengthen and protect your teeth against harmful bacteria.

Dental Exams And Professional Cleanings

Visit our office every six months. While brushing and flossing at home are both helpful and necessary for good oral health, only a deeper cleaning can continue to get rid of tartar and plaque. We also polish your teeth after a cleaning so they shine and feel smooth.


Visiting a dentist every six months is important for your oral health, but sometimes dental concerns arise between visits. Below are other concerns that should be examined and diagnosed by a dentist.

Red, Tender, Swollen, or Receding Gums

Many of these symptoms point to gum disease, a common yet serious issue that needs to be addressed quickly. There are regenerative gum disease treatments that can bring back your oral health.

Ongoing Toothache

Persistent achy teeth can signify a tooth infection. Regenerative root canal therapy can remove the infected tissue from inside a tooth with advanced technology and provide relief for toothaches.

Loose Permanent Teeth

Only baby teeth should fall out. If you start to notice that a permanent tooth has come loose, that is a dental concern. Dentists can diagnose and treat underlying issues and possibly save your tooth.

Unusual Tooth Sensitivity

It’s normal to feel some sensitivity to extremely hot or cold foods, but if this sensation becomes extremely painful or occurs frequently, there may be an underlying issue like a cavity or infection.

Jaw Pain

Some headaches and jaw aches are due to nighttime teeth grinding (bruxism) or issues with the TMJ. The temporomandibular joint is susceptible to injury, but many TMJ disorders are easily treated.

Persistent Mouth Sores

Mouth sores that keep returning or won’t go away could be a symptom of allergies, disease, or even cancer. Getting these sores looked at by a dentist can get you treatment and peace of mind.

Dry Mouth

Saliva is important to keeping your mouth clean and helping you break down food. You may experience dry mouth if you sleep with your mouth open or if you have issues with your saliva glands.

Persistent Bad Breath

Chronic bad breath can be caused by:

  • Improper dental hygiene.
  • Eating a diet poor in nutrients.
  • Dry mouth, often from sleep apnea.
  • Gingivitis or advanced gum disease.
  • Liver or kidney infections or diseases.


Taking care of your teeth during pregnancy is an essential part of good oral health. Your hormone levels change drastically and can put you at risk for gum disease, halitosis, and other issues.


Visiting a dentist every six months is important for your oral health, but sometimes dental concerns arise between visits. Below are other concerns that should be examined and diagnosed by a dentist.


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